Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 19, 2012: Jude, part 3

False teaching and wolves entering the church is nothing new. But it has arguably reached extreme levels in our world. Today, Pastor Michael Hodge warns of false teaching, and that true teaching should come from the Bible. He also gives specific examples in his sermon today that you should watch for, such as what the Bible really teaches on things like homosexuality and other sins. This is something the entire church needs to hear today.

Also, Karen and Connie gave us our special music today; we hope you enjoy it!

You can listen to both of those recordings right here:

We hope you have a great week in Christ, and may God bless you richly again this week!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

August 12, 2012: Jude, part 2: Grace and forgiveness

Today, Pastor Michael Hodge continued on his series in the book of Jude. In Jude 2-5, we read about the condemnation about false teachers. However, we covered that last week, as well as how to watch for them. This week, we expound on the grace and forgiveness that is provided through Jesus Christ to those who repent and believe the Good News. And if you don't believe in Christ, would you consider what Pastor Hodge has to say about that, and the free gift of salvation?

Additionally, we had the Chierkolks, missionaries from Mexico, visit us today...and Todd Schierkolk gave an update on his work. Next, Mark Fagerstrom gave his children's sermon, and finally, Katherine Spencer gave us our special music this morning. All of these were recorded, and can be found at the player and links on this page:

We pray you have a blessed week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

August 5, 2012: The book of Jude, part 1: False teaching

On this sunny and rarely pleasant morning so far this summer with low humidity and comfortable temperatures, we had some excellent teaching this morning. One of the things that is warned about consistently in the Bible is false teaching...and false teachers. In our society today, various churches preach sermons on anything but God. In the book of Jude we are called to watch out for this, calling those who teach falsely as "wolves", and they should be stopped. We are to use discernment with Scripture to ensure teaching is correct. We hope you are blessed and encouraged by Pastor Hodge's sermon, as he outlines this today. You can find the link to his sermon here:

Mark Fagerstrom gave us an update on our full-time pastor search. For those who missed it, please talk to Mark for details. Have a great week, and God bless!