Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17, 2013: 1 Thessalonians parts 8 and 9: Extremes and

Due to various issues, I wasn't able to get up part 8 last Sunday. Here it is! Pastor Hodge talks about the return of Jesus Christ. How do we, as Christians, wait for your second coming? This be can taken to extremes: it can be ignored, or dwelt upon so much that we ignore discipleship. We are to follow the absolute truth and apply it properly. Listen to how we are to properly await Christ's coming in part 8 of his series.

Then, in part 9, pastor Michael Hodge discusses the Trinity...the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Listen how the three in one works in our lives today.

We also had Mark Fagerstrom give his sermon on "blocks". Listen to his sermon on Who is the most important block, all right here:  (includes part 9)

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

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