Sunday, November 24, 2013

November 24, 2013: Nehemiah, part 10: Living by the commands of God

As we continue in our series in the book of Nehemiah, Pastor Michael Hodge expounds on Nehemiah chapter 10, verses 1-31. Here, the people sign a document, confessing their sins in it, and then vowing to turn from it. They further declare that they would turn back to the Lord, observing and doing all the commandments, not giving their daughters or sons to unbelievers in marriage,and to not buy goods on Sunday. Listen to Pastor Hodge's sermon as to how this all applies to us today.
You can listen here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

November 17, 2013: Nehemiah, part 9

In Pastor Hodge's continuing series in Nehemiah, we invite you to listen to it. I was stuck on severe weather duty, so I am going to listen to it and find out what it is all about as well! And speaking
of the storms, there are a few glitches due to power surges caused by the storms. We apologize for the inconvenience. You can listen to the sermon here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

November 10, 2013: Nehemiah, part 8: The people of God together, and when revival comes

Hello everyone,

Today, Pastor Michael Hodge, in part 8 of his series on the book of Nehemiah, continues with the title "The People of God together---listening, responding, and rejoicing, or, some of the things that happen when revival comes". I can't improve on that, so listen to his sermon and see what happens when revival comes, and how it came in Nehemiah's day. And, how it has the possibility of happening even today. Listen to it here:

We hope you are blessed by the sermon, and hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 3, 2013: Nehemiah, part 7: Dealing with an enemy's plot

On this chilly but mostly sunny Sunday morning, Pastor Michael Hodge continued his series in the book of Nehemiah in God's Word. As we look at Nehemiah chapter 6, we see his enemies plotting against him, to stop the work God had assigned him to do. Even worse, they try to deceive him into sinning and putting God's people in jeopardy. How Nehemiah responded should be our way that we respond when people do the same to us. Moreover, if we do these things, we are to repent and apologize for causing harm and division within the body of Christ. This sermon should be listened to with an ear to whether or not this applies to us.

We also had Roger Seldal do our special music for today, and we hope you find that a blessing as well.

You can hear these recordings here:

Finally, we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!