Monday, June 20, 2011

June 19, 2011

We often fail in our calling because we don't feel qualified to carry it out.  However, as we see in 1 Corinthians 1, this is how God intends it to be.  He calls and uses those who aren't qualified.  This message can be heard or downloaded at

Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 12, 2011

In the church today, we too often fail to expect God to work through us as we serve him.  We don't believe that God will do the miraculous through us.  However, because of God's calling, we should expect him to do great things.  This message can be heard or downloaded at

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Our Sunday sermons from 5/31 and 6/5

June 5th, 2011:

We heard the last message in our series on Christian parenting. We heard how we must find the right balance. Just as we must not be permissive, neither must we provoke our children to anger. We must not do this because it hinders our ability to train them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. It can be heard or downloaded at

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

We heard the third part of our series on Christian parenting. And we learned that discipline is essential if we're to raise godly children. Even though no one enjoys disciplining their children, they do it out of love for their children and out of a desire for their salvation. This message can be heard or downloaded at

Friday, June 10, 2011

Welcome to Grace Free Lutheran Church!

Hello everyone,

Welcome to our new Internet home for our blog. Here you'll find sermons, updates,
and more! Be sure to check back---this is only a test post. When we launch, we'll let you know!