Sunday, July 26, 2020

July 26, 2020: Our full service is now online

This week, Pastor Hodge expounded on the book of John, chapter 1, verses 1-5. in the beginning was the Word, and we see who that Word is. What does He give to us, and we talk about the battle of good and evil in a dark world. What is our challenge and what can we do? We look to Colossians 1:17 for the answer.

You can watch our service by cutting and pasting this link into your browser:

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

July 19, 2020: The Psalmist looks to the mountains; or, what a travelogue!

This week, Pastor Hodges sermon was on "The Psalmist looks to the mountains; or, what a travelogue!". What's this about mountains, where does our help really come from, and when does God sleep? And is He our keeper and will protect us now and forever? And what can we do? Listen and find out!

The entire service is available for your edification right here:

And we pray that you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

July 12, 2020: A life of grace, while running the race

This is the July 12, 2020 service. This week, Jim Mistry preached for us this 
Sunday "A Life of Grace, While Running the Race" while our Pastor took a break this week.
We invite you to listen to our service to learn how we do both from Jim.

You can find the service here:

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

July 5, 2020: Our (almost) complete service

This week, Jim Mistry did the sermon, which we believe you will find edifying. However, there is about a three minute gap in the sermon because the service ran longer than the CD could actually hold. We apologize for that. Nevertheless, we pray you are blessed by the service today.
You can hear the service here:

 And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!