Friday, June 23, 2023

June 25th, 2023: A special service we invite you to come to

On Sunday, June 25, 2023, Grace Free Lutheran Church will meet at the Elva Town Hall/City Hall in Elva, IL. It's on Elva Road, 16029 Walker Road,  right next to the Union Pacific Railroad tracks with the American flag on a pole right outside it; you cannot miss us. This service will start at 10 AM. Please bring a dish to pass as their will be a potluck afterwards.

For this service, the production team has the Sunday off, so the service will not be streamed or recorded. We will sing a capella, and the pastor will give us a challenging sermon. Afterwards, the potluck will begin promptly; chicken will be provided plus whatever you bring. We hope to see you there!

Sunday, June 18, 2023

June 18, 2023: The faith of our fathers on Earth, molded by the faithful father in heaven

This week, we review the truth of our God as Father. We see how bad examples here on Earth lead to distorted and wrong children's views about God, who is God above all, and THE role model we need (being Christ ur Savior being the #1 need, obviously). We are to be the clay, not the Potter.
And then we see the various qualities of God, and what our challenge is with this, as seen in Romans 9:19-23. But our goal is to model our Father in heaven, faithfully, by the work of the Spirit.

Watch our sermon and service today on Facebook and YouTube, and our replays on, at this link:

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, June 11, 2023

June 11, 2023: Stress and anxiety. What do we do?

This is our June 11, 2023 service. This week, Pastor Hodge deals with the anxiety and stress that face us all, and is getting worse for most of us. When we are down, depressed or worse, what is the truth, and what does God say about it, and about hope? Watch and find out by cutting and pasting this link into your browser:

You can watch our services live on Facebook and YouTube. And, you can watch our services on, by cutting and pasting this link into your browser: And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, June 4, 2023

June 4, 2023: The Triune God and His effect on us

 This week, Pastor Hodge preached first on the definition of the Trinity, and then how the whole Godhead participates together. Understand more of God and His nature as you listen to His sermon today!

You can watch our Sunday services live on Facebook and YouTube, and our replays there and on, including this one, by cutting and pasting the following link into your browser:

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!