Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 16/23, 2014: a two part series in the book of Mark

Over the past two weeks, Pastor Michael Hodge has been preaching from the book of Mark on Jesus' death and resurrection, and in part two in his series today on Jesus' temptations. Jesus was tempted many times in His walk with the Lord, but he overcame them all. He was tested and proven worthy as the Son of God. We will also be tested through trials and temptations on this earth. We must stand firm on God's written word to be able to resist the devil at all times. Listen to both these sermons today to be challenged on this.
You can listen these sermons here:

In the second sermon, due to an audio equipment issue, it is broken into 5 parts. Listen to them in sequence and all will be well. And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 9, 2014: John prepares the way for Jesus

Today, heroes come and go. Sports figures, rescuers...some get their name and fame in the limelight for their proverbial 15 minutes, but then they are forgotten. In the Bible, however, heroes are forever noted. Although there are many, today, Pastor Hodge shows how John was faithful to Jesus, talking about his coming, and surviving on what God provided times, merely locusts in the desert. Find out how we are not to be be heroes as the world sees them, but faithful to the Gospel and to Christ, and to confess and repent from our sins.

Amy and Pastor Hodge also performed our special music today, "What Wondrous Love is This". We hope you enjoy it.

Regrettably, we do not have our children's sermon today due to a microphone battery outage. It has been fixed, and you'll hear Molly next week. :-)

You can hear the special music, and our sermon for today, by clicking here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Gilbert Sebenste, Deacon
Grace Free Lutheran Church

Sunday, February 2, 2014

February 2, 2014: The atonement, part 2

Today, Pastor Michael Hodge continues the second part in his series at a look at the atonement. The Gnostics denied the atonement. We, as Christians, believe that Jesus Christ came in the flesh as both man and God, and that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fully paid for the atonement of the sins of believers. See how this false teaching, and similar, still is in the church today. Also, we had Amy Taylor on flute do "He is Exalted". We hope you enjoy it. You can listen to both recordings here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!