Sunday, July 28, 2019

July 28, 2019: Cleaning up our lives by God's power

Hello everyone,

I'm not sure what happened, but although the service got recorded, the CD decided to have an issue and cannot get finalized. The bottom line: the recordings are lost to history.Please join us next week for the next in our series in the book of Ephesians.

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

July 21, 2019: Being imitators of God

This week, Pastor Hodge continues his series in the book of Ephesians with his sermon title "Being imitators of God". We are given a command in Ephesians 5:1..."Therefore, be imitators of God". Why and how must we do this? And how are our lives and offering to God? Listen and find out!

We also had our students who returned from the FLY convention this past week give their personal testimonies as well.

And, you can hear these service elements by cutting and pasting this link into your Web browser:

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

July 14, 2019: Bad news overwhelmed by good news

This week, Pastor Hodge continued his series in Ephesians with his sermon titled "Bad news overwhelmed by good news". The bad news is the old self that we struggle with. The good news of the new self we experience helps to motivate us. But to what? Listen to Pastor Hodge and find out!

We also had Amy Taylor do our children's sermon today, and Jim Mistry gave us his report on his trip to Ethiopia, training pastors. All of these recordings can be found By cutting and pasting this link into your browser:

Please see our church bulletin, and headlines from the church around the world, attached. And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus. Stay cool, everyone!

Sunday, July 7, 2019

July 7, 2019: The striking contrasts begin

This week, Pastor Hodge's sermon was entitled, "The striking contrast begin; or, moving from lying, anger, stealing, and unwholesome words". We first look at Ephesians 4:25-30. In this, we are told to put off lies, and speak the truth. What is anger contrasted with? What is stealing contrasted with? Unwholesome speech? And what do we do with all this? Listen and find out!

You can hear Pastor Hodge's sermon here:

Please see our church bulletin, attached, along with our sermon notes. And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!