Sunday, August 31, 2014

August 31, 2014: Compassion empowers ministry

Today, Pastor Michael Hodge expounded on Mark 6:29, and subsequent verses. In this, we find out what the definition of ministry is. Each of us has one, for those who are believers. But things happen: Jesus and his disciples leave, and are followed by many along the shore. And then, how do you feed thousands with 5 loaves of bread and two fish? And do all of this with compassion. Find out how we are to do this today.

You can hear this sermon by clicking here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 24, 2014: What do you do when you lose your head?

This week, Pastor Michael Hodge expounds on Mark 6:14-29; in these verses, we're going to see a gradual change of King Herod and heart and conscience. And not in a good way: we see a king whose conscience is moved, but to no avail. He was horrified of the request Herodias' daughter had made, and that his mother had wanted. And yet, in spite of his conscience, he beheaded John the Baptist anyway. When we reject God, we become insensitive to all that is good, and turn to wickedness. Listen how this affects us, and what we need to do...and not do.

We also had Molly Blobaum give our children's sermon, which you can also listen to on this page:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

August 17, 2014: Update on Love, INC. and what about Jesus?

This week, Director of Love INC, Nathan Scott, gave us an update on Love INC, the Christian ministry here in the DeKalb area which serves the poor. He then gave a sermon, asking us what have we done about Jesus. Are we truly in Him?

We also had Molly Blobaum give our children's sermon, and Marilyn Matheson sang our special music today. We hope you are blessed by both of these. And you can hear all three recordings by clicking here:

And, we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

August 10, 2014: Dependence on God

Today, Pastor Michael Hodge continues his study of Mark 6, starting in verse 7 and going through verse 13. Jesus' ministry will be extended by his disciples (and there's an interesting reason behind that, listen to find out why). We discussed this to some extent at our Wednesday night Bible study: most of us do not travel light. That is we travel with quite a few things. But when Jesus sent them out, he sent them with just one tunic (you usually went out with two, one for the day, and one while sleeping)  No food, and no money! Why did Jesus do this? Listen to the sermon and find out!

Also...Pastor Hodge did our children's sermon this morning, and the Seldals did our special music. Listen to it and be blessed.

You can listen to these recordings here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

August 3, 2014: Just call me a skeptic

This week, Pastor Hodge takes a look at the book of Mark, verses 1 through 6. As we do this, we see that Jesus was derided in his hometown, severely by some people. How can God be a lay worker in our community? One even disparaged Mary. Jesus was amazed---one of the few times in the Bible where He uses that term---at the people's unbelief and skepticism. While all of us are, were or will be skeptical of Jesus, what can we do to be honest about our doubts? And how, like his hometown, should we NOT handle those doubts? Listen to Pastor Hodge's sermon and find out.

Also, we had special music on this Communion Sunday; we hope you are blessed by it.

You can listen to these recordings here:

And, we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!