Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 29, 2012: Sin and its effects, part 3

On this mostly cloudy morning, with a fresh dusting of early morning snow covering the ground,
we had a wonderful time of worship, and then heard Pastor Hodge deliver his sermon on sins effects...throughout history, and in our lives, and what can be done to overcome sin.

Also, Mark Fagerstrom gave his sermon on the basis of our faith to our children this morning. Using the illustration of a toy building with plastic pieces, if you pull the foundation, the entire building collapses (the truth is also found in real life!). And so he asks the question, who or what is the foundation of your life?

Both Mark's and Pastor Hodge's sermons can be found at the link below. We hope you find them a blessing.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 22, 2012: Sin and its effects, part 2

On this icy Sunday with freezing drizzle, snow and blowing snow making roads a mess, we nevertheless came to worship and praise God. Pastor Michael Hodge gave the second part of his series on sin. Last week, it was about sexual sins; this week, it was about all the rest of them, and the consequences thereof. Listen and be challenged by this sermon, and also be warmed by the fact that God will forgive these sins, when we believe Him and repent of them.
But first, Mark Fagerstrom challenges us to chew on something. What is it? Listen to find out, right here:

Sunday, January 15, 2012

January 15, 2012: Galatians 5:16-20: Detriments of sin

Pastor Michael Hodge preached from Galatians 5 on this sunny but cold Sunday morning, about walking in and by the Spirit. In this part of his series, we look how sin has a deterimental effect on our relationship with God, as well as our own lives, and the lives of others. Sexual sin is one of the worst sins, and Pastor Hodge shows how it can ruin our lives we live in this kind of sin.
Additionally, Mark Fagerstrom gave us our children's sermon this morning, and we also have our special music from this morning: It Is Well With My Soul.

You can hear all three of these right here:

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 8, 2011: The battle rages on (part 1)

As Christians, we are constantly at war within our souls. On one hand, the devil pushes us to where we once were: lost, and mired in sin. On the other hand, God's Holy Spirit guides the believer into truth, love and goodness. That battle is in every believer until his or her death. How can God win this battle in us? Listen to part 1 of Pastor Hodge's sermon series on this, on this mostly sunny and mild Sunday morning,
by clicking on the link below. Also, we had some very good special music for you to enjoy as well.

Monday, January 2, 2012

January 1, 2011: Out with the old, in with the new

Pastor Michael Hodge preached on this sunny but very windy Sunday morning, the beginning of the new year, on making the old into the new. Please listen on how we can be transformed into the new person God wants us to be!

Listen to it by clicking on the link below: