Sunday, March 25, 2012

March 25, 2012: Fruits of the Spirit - gentleness

Today, on this mostly cloudy but unseasonably mild morning, Pastor Michael Hodge continued his series on the fruits of the Spirit. Today, he talked about gentleness. One of things we should be seeing in our lives, and in spite of our circumstances is the fruit of gentleness. That even when things are going badly (or not so badly), we can have a gentle demeanor about us that comes not from us, but from God. Listen to how this should translate into our daily lives by clicking here:
Also, our special music was indeed special this morning, at least to tthis blogger. "Deep Deep Love of Jesus" is one of my favorite hymns of all time. Listen to it and be blessed! You can hear it at the link provided above.

May you walk with and be with and have Christ living within you, and have a blessed week!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

March 18, 2012: Mark Fagerstrom - Psalm 130

On this record warm morning, things got a little crazy at Grace today. Pastor Jonathan Abel, scheduled to preach and talk about the missionary work he has been doing and what is coming up next, became ill and was unable to speak. Meanwhile, Pastor Hodge was out of town, so...Mark Fagerstrom stepped in at literallly the last minute to preach on Psalm 130. You can find his sermon here:

We hope and pray that this blesses you today.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 11, 2012: Fruits of the Spirit: faithfulness

On this mild and sunny Sunday morning, Pastor Michael Hodge continued his series on the fruits of the Spirit, with the emphasis on faithfulness. This thing is always true: God is always faithful, even when  we are not. Even under extreme persecution and death, we can overcome all evil by our faith in Christ, and one of the fruits that results is faithfulness---to the end. No matter what we are facing, what trial, in good times and in bad times, faithfulness is a result of a life lived in the Spirit. Listen to Pastor Hodge expound on this, and be blessed today.
We had 2 special musics today: Draw Me, Lord to open our service, and We Press On for our special music during the service in it's normal place. We hope you are blessed by that today as well.
You can listen to all of this right here:

And may God continue to richly bless you this week as He always remains faithful!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 4, 2012: Fruits of the Spirit: Kindness and goodness

In our sermon today, on our partly cloudy but cold morning...Pastor Michael Hodge continued his sermon series on the fruits of the Spirit: kindness and goodness. Only true kindness and goodness come from and through God's Holy Spirit. Learn how that happens in our sermon today.
Also, we had special music, "He Walks With Me". We hope you are blessed by both of these
recordings today.

You can find them here: