Sunday, November 25, 2012

November 25, 2012: Spiritual Formation, Part 6: Conformation/confirming to Jesus

On this chilly but partly cloudy day, Pastor Michael Hodge had a busy morning, and blessed us with two sermons. The first was the children's sermon, as he talked about feet. He taught the children that we can use or feet to walk and run with and for Jesus, and we sang about that at the end of the sermon. Next, our main sermon was on spiritual formation, and how we conform to Jesus. IF we are truly in Christ, then it will show not only by the transformation of our lives, but as we read God's Word, it becomes our desire to conform to His ways and His will.Pastor Hodge urges us to do this in our sermon today.

We also had special music with Roger and Donna Seldal, and Karen Hannan on piano. We hope you are blessed by that.

And, we hope you will be blessed by all of these, by hearing them. Just click here:

Due to a recording glitch, the sermon is in 3 parts, but if you click on the first one, the second and third ones will play automatically without skipping a beat.

May you have a great and thankful week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 18th, 2012: Spritual Formation, part 5: Inward change

On this unseasonably mild and mostly sunny morning, Pastor Michael Hodge continued his series on spiritual formation by talking about inward change. As we read God's Word and as it pierces our hearts, we are transformed. This is what the Bible calls "the renewing of our minds" (Romans 12:2).
This is something that cannot be done on our own, but rather is done through the Holy Spirit, who opens our eyes to our sin and God's Word, and to help us align with God's Word.
We hope you are blessed by his sermon today.

And as we approach Thanksgiving, Mark Fagerstrom delivered our children's sermon. Using a grain of corn, he shows us how God multiplies that corn, and that we should be grateful for corn, and all the other things He provides for us.

Finally, we hope you are blessed with Roger and Karen's special music today.

You can find and listen to all of these things by clicking here:

And we hope you have a blessed week, and remind ourselves of all the blessings God through Jesus Christ has given us as Thanksgiving approaches.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 11, 2012: Spiritual formation, part 4: sanctification

On this windy but unseasonably mild and mostly cloudy Sunday morning, Pastor Hodge talks about the next step in spiritual formation that God does by his Spirit through us: sanctification. Once we repent and turn to Christ to be our Savior and Lord, our walk with Christ then becomes a lifelong process of growth. We no longer like sin, but hate it; we no longer live the way we once did, but live in faith, and repentance. Listen to Pastor Hodge's sermon on how all of this is done in the lives of a believer, and be blessed.

Also this morning, we heard from John Maulfair. His baby arrived at 23 weeks, way early. We as a church prayed for a miracle a few years ago, and God delivered one! Hear how our prayers a few years ago turned into a miracle for a now healthy two year old boy, who grabbed the microphone a few times (sorry!). Boys will be boys! :-)

You can listen to both of these items here:

And, we hope you have a great week in Christ! Draw closer to Him this week.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

November 4th, 2012: Part 3: Spiritual formation by spiritual transformation

On this partly cloudy and cool day, Pastor Michael Hodge delivered his sermon on spiritual transformation by Jesus, part 3 in his series of spiritual formation. He notes that working towards your faith is impossible---this is done by a heart transformation by the reading of the Bible, being convicted by it, and, by the Holy Spirit, convicted and bound to act. This is the only way the transformation of the heart can occur---not by works or effort on our part. We hope you are blessed by his sermon today. You can listen to it here: