Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 29, 2013: Nehemiah, part 3

Today, Pastor Michael Hodge talks about Nehemiah chapter 2, and we start in verse 11. As Nehemiah inspects the destroyed wall and gates which used to protect Jerusalem, it saddened him to see them in this conditions. He goes back to the leaders, and asks them to rebuild the walls. After 130 years, he challenged the people to rebuild the city and walls, as it was a bad testimony of their faith. Listen how he is willing to rebuild them with the help of the Israelites, and not blame this mess on others. Instead, he was willing to be part of the solution...repenting of his sin in the process. Listen to Pastor Hodge why this is important to us.

We had a slight audio glitch in the sound system that broke the ending prayer into two separate files. Odd, but it does not affect the recordings if you listen to them in sequence.

You can listen to the recording here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 22, 2013: Nehemiah, parts 1 and 2: The opposition of moving forward

This week, we present parts 1 and 2 of Pastor Hodge's series on Nehemiah, starting with chapter 1. In 445 BC, the third wave of returning Jewish exiles occurred, Nehemiah among them. There, using Godly wisdom, he was able to rebuild the walls of Jersualem despite enemies within, and outside the walls of Jerusalem which threaten to keep this critical project from moving forward. Listen as Pastor Hodge expands on these chapters.

Also, he did our children's sermon today as well. Please bear with us in part 2...I accidentally clipped off the first minute of the sermon by pressing the wrong button (sorry), but you'll pick up quickly on it. Also, I apologize for part 2 for some audio issues that were fixed during the sermon. An audio engineer's life is never easy, but God was still given the glory, and that's what counts!

You can listen to all of these here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

September 8, 2013: The sovereignty of God, part 4

This week, Pastor Hodge looks at the sovereignty of God in several short sermons this morning. Listen to each one and be encouraged that God is in control!

Also, Mark Fagerstrom continues his series on "sticky notes" for his children's sermon.

You can listen to them here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

September 1, 2013: The sovereignty of God, part 2

This week, Pastor Hodge continues his series on the sovereignty of God. Last week, we were reminded that the Lord is in control of everything; there are some things we cannot understand from His perspective, but He always does what is right...even when we cannot see it.

We also had Pastor Hodge do special music this morning, in preparation for his sermon this morning. Both of these recordings are available by clicking here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!