Sunday, December 29, 2013

December 29, 2013: Nathan Scott and Love, Inc.

Today, our guest speaker, Nathan Scott, the local director of Love, INC. talked about the ministry in DeKalb, and how it organized churches to serve the poor more effectively, with 35 area churches on the list and growing, providing things like food, to diapers, to furniture...even an air conditioner.
Also, he gave a sermon the character of Mary. See how her obedience and faithfulness led her to deliver our Savior. You can listen to it here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

December 22, 2013: The gift of joy

Hello everyone! We're sorry we couldn't be with us today.

In our service today, Pastor Hodge talked about the gift of joy. First, it all comes from God, and his promise of joy in the Messiah. The practical application to this is every Christian's focus be on Christ, that we may experience abounding joy. Listen to Pastor Hodge's sermon to find out how this joy is to be found in every believer.

Also, we had Molly Blobaum give us our children's sermon, special music from Roger and Karen, and of course, the lightning of the advent candle, which no coincidence today is joy. We hope you are blessed by these.

You can listen to all of these here:

You can find our weekly church bulletin, attached. And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

December 15, 2013: Nativity lessons on obedience

Today, Pastor Hodge continues our Nativity lessons, this time on obedience. Ever hear your mom say "You get into your room and clean it up right now!" you continue to hammer away at your Xbox? One of the keys to Christian life is obedience to our Lord. Find out why in this sermon today. Click on the first one, and then just let the player automatically play the other three parts in sequence. Our audio recorder was being a bit fussy today.

We also had the lighting of the advent candle, which was on Obedience, and how Jesus obediently denied himself and did everything the Father tasked him to do.

Finally, we had special Christmas music from Kaelynn Clark. We hope you enjoy it! And you can hear all of these recordings here:

And may you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 8, 2013: The humility of it all

 Today, Pastor Michael Hodge's sermon was on "The humility of it all". All of us have been humbled
in one way or another. But are we becoming more humble like Christ? Find out how we do this in the sermon today.

We also had Josiah Fagerstrom and Karen Hannan do a Christmas medley for our special music today, and Pastor Hodge also did the children's sermon on the greatest gift of all. You can hear all of them here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 1, 2013: Nehemiah, part 11: Caring and giving in the house of the Lord

Today, Pastor Michael Hodge continued in the book of Nehemiah and part 11 of his series. Today, we learn about how people took care of each other, and gave generously and of their own will. This is lacking, even in the church today...and Pastor Hodge reminds us that it is one of the main impacts unbelievers see when Christ is in us...when we care deeply for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

You can listen to his sermon, and special music by Marilyn Mathison today, by clicking here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!