Sunday, November 29, 2015

November 29, 2015: A look aat Mary and the reality of Jesus virgin birth

This week, as we enter into the season of Advent, Pastor Hodge looks at the reality of Jesus' birth, and the truth about it. Some say it wasn't a virgin birth at all. But what did Mary do when she heard the news she was going to be pregnant, with no less than the Son of God? Listen to this sermon today to hear God's Word describe the situation, and how Mary trusted the Lord, in spite of the seemingly impossible.

We also had Molly Blobaum do our children's sermon today. We hope you are blessed by that as well.
You can hear these service elements here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

November 22, 2015: Being thankful (and bringing peace)

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for all that God has given us. This week, even though we are still 4 days from Thanksgiving when this sermon was given, we are told to give thanks in all things, and to be motivated during Thanksgiving for our Lord to bring peace to our world. Listen how this can happen by listening to our sermon today,

We also had Molly Blobaum give our children's sermon, and we also had special music by the Seldals and Karen Hannan. We hope you will be blessed by these service elements as well.

You can hear these service elements here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

November 8, 2015: Selfishness

This week, Pastor Michael Hodge gave his sermon on selfishness. He gives examples of what he has seen in his pastorate. But in Christ, we are all to belong to be about each other: loving, serving, caring for each other. Listen today how this is a big problem, and how God's word solves it. Listen to his sermon today to find out how.

Also, we had special music by Roger, Pastor Hodge, Mark and  Karen. We hope you enjoy it.

You can listen to it by clicking here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

October 25 and November 1, 2015: Good people doing good things, and expect persecution

As promised, we're going to catch up on sermons this week. Last week, Pastor Hodge preached about good people doing good things. This week, he talks about how in America, things are changing such that Christians should now expect persecution. It may be mild, it may be harsh, but one should expect it. How do we handle it? Listen to both sermons today.

You can hear both of these sermons here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!