Sunday, March 26, 2017

March 26, 2017: We believe Jesus suffered under Pontious Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried. Or: did Jesus really die?

This week, Pastor Michael Hodge continued on his series of the Apostle's Creed by examining the portion that reads we believe that Jesus suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried. Some scholars think that Jesus didn't really die on the cross, or other things that annul what the Bible teaches. But what does the Bible have to say about it? And why is the crucifixion such a horrific event? Was Jesus really dead and buried? Listen to Pastor Hodge as he expounds on the Biblical truths including the crucifixion and death of Jesus.

We apologize for the lack of children's sermons lately; we have been having battery issues. We are looking to correct those in the weeks to come. Thanks for your patience. In any case, you can listen to our pastor's sermon, here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

March 19, 2017: I believe in Jesus Christ...who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, Born of the Virgin Mary, or, oh boy, Christmas in March

This week, Pastor Hodge looks at two extremely important concepts that build on the message from last week: Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, and conceived by the Holy Spirit. These two things are critical in the Christian faith. Without them, Jesus did not die for our sins, and we are helpless to face the wrath of God in eternity. But, because of these things, we can be confident Christ is the Son of God. But what else does it mean? Listen to find out!

We also had Diane Lizer do our children's sermon on maps this week, and our Sunday School kids did our special music. We hope you are blessed by all of these recordings.

You can hear all of them here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

March 12, 2017: We believe in Jesus Christ, his Son, our Lord

This week, Pastor Hodge continued his series on the Creeds with "I believe in Jesus Christ, His Son, our Lord". We learn why this is so important, and how, since Jesus' day, scholars and others have tried to pervert that, and that we are to watch out for false teachers who twist the most important portions of Scripture to say and mean something else.

You can listen to these recordings here:

We also had special music, and we hope you are blessed by it. And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

March 5, 2017: We believe in Jesus Christ

This week, Pastor Hodge expounded on this concept. Unfortunately, due to a disk failure, we were unable to record his sermon this week. We hope you will join us next week for the continuation of his series. And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!