Monday, May 29, 2017

May 28, 2017: Our new bodies

This week, Pastor Hodge talks about what happens to our bodies and souls after we die, and, if we are saved by Jesus, are in heaven. Now, we aren't provided a lot of specifics, but there are some things which we know are absolutely true: our bodies will be perfect, and our souls will be pure! Listen to his sermon and be encouraged.

We also had Molly Blobaum do her sermon on Memorial Day, and how not only remember those who fought and died for us on earth, but the one who fought and died and saved our souls, Jesus!

Finally, we had special music with the "Hallelujah" song. We are including the prelude here for sound analysis, as our audio engineer is struggling to make it sound really good.

You can hear all of these sermons by cutting and pasting this URL into your browser:

And, we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

May 21, 2017: I believe in the forgiveness of sins

This week, Pastor Hodge continues his series in the Apostle's Creed with the phrase "we believe in the forgiveness of sins". What are the four important words in dealing with the forgiveness of sin? Does *our* effort to be clean before God really matter? And how does God do his work of atonement in us? Listen to his sermon today to find out!

Also, we had Josiah Fagerstrom give us an update on the AFLC choir, and Molly Blobaum did her sermon on  summertime.

We believe we have cleaned up our act...on the battery front, at least. They should stop dying during the children's sermons now. :-) We hope you are blessed by these service elements.

You can find them here:

And, we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

May 14, 2017: I believe in the holy Christian Church

Hello everyone,

This week, Pastor Hodge expounds on his Apostle's Creed series with "I believe in the holy Christian Church". What does that really mean, and what in the Bible supports that claim? Listen here to find out!

Also, we had Molly Blobaum do her children's sermons on Mother's Day, and the Biblical importance of mothers.

You will find these service elements here:

This week, Pastor Hodge expounds on his Apostle's Creed series with "I believe in the holy Christian Church". What does that really mean, and what in the Bible supports that claim? Listen here to find out!

Also, we had Molly Blobaum do her children's sermons on Mother's Day, and the Biblical importance of mothers.

You will find these service elements here.

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

May 6, 2017: I believe in the Holy Spirit

This week, Pastor Hodge continued in his series on the Apostle's Creed with the sentence "I believe in the Holy Spirit". Pastor Hodge shows us the power and the personage of the Holy Spirit, the promised purpose of the Spirit, and the practical aspects of the Holy Spirit on our lives, and also the holiness we need to have in our church, including our facilities.

You can listen to his sermon here:

And we hope you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May 2, 2017: Special meetings, part 3: Is the rreformation still relevant?

Patrick Lohse completes his series here on Martin Luther and the Reformation, as he talks about justification by faith alone. You can hear this sermon here:

Copy and paste that URL into your browser to hear this sermon. Thank you,

and may you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Monday, May 1, 2017

May 1, 2017: Special meetings, part 2: Is the Reformation still relevant?

This is the second in a two-part series during our 2017 Special Meetings from Pastor Patrick Lohse on the Reformation: is it still relevant? Here, Martin Luther faces the Diet of Worms, which pronounces him a heretic. Listen how God transforms him and spares his life as he translates the Bible to German.

You can hear his sermon by copying and pasting this link into your Web browser:

And we hope you have a great day in Christ Jesus!