Sunday, May 27, 2018

May 27, 2018: Confirmation and Following the Direct Route

This week, Pastor Hodge, in tandem with Confirmation this week, did his sermon on the theme of "Following the Direct Route". Here, Pastor Hodge teaches us that we need to train up a child in the way they should go, directing us to God's salvation as we repent of our sins, His love for us, and that our God is the only true God. This truth needs to be stood firm, even though it will rub up against our society. We also want you to know the truth of the Scriptures, and why they are true.

You can hear his sermon, along with Mark Fagerstrom's children's sermon, and the Confirmation service here:

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

May 20, 2018: The peril of obstinate, doubting Thomas

This week, Pastor Hodge expounds on John 20:19-25. The resurrected Jesus has just appeared to all of the disciples, except for Thomas. They rejoiced with Jesus, and Jesus commissions them and gives the disciples the Holy Spirit. But Thomas, who for some reason, was not there at the time, does not the believe the disciples when he returns when they tell him Jesus was there. 8 days later, though, Jesus returns again, and this time, what does Thomas do? And what does this mean for us? Listen and find out!

We also had Diane Lizer talk to the children about "taking Jesus with you on vacations".

We hope you are blessed by both recordings, which you can find here:

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

May 13, 2018: A woman's integrity (Proverbs 31:10-31)

This Sunday is Mother's Day, and both our children's sermon and our pastor honored mothers today. But why? As we look at Proverbs 31:10-31, we see the importance of mothers, young and old. Listen to their sermons today for a Biblical view of motherhood, and why it is so important.

We also had special music today from the Seldals honoring their mother, and those present (see a theme here? :-) ). We hope you are blessed by these service elements.

You can listen to them by cutting and pasting this URL into your browser, here:

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

May 6, 2018: The resurrected Jesus appears (part 4)

This week, we look at Luke 24:36-49, as we continue in the series of the resurrected Jesus. In these verses, Jesus appears to his disciples, except for Thomas. We read about the disciple's meeting behind closed doors, as Jesus appears to them. Jesus then asks for something to eat, and opens their minds to Scripture and gives them a basic Gospel message to preach. What does that mean for us today? Listen and find out!

You can hear the sermon here:

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!