Sunday, August 25, 2019

August 25, 2019: The relationship between Christian parents and their children

This week, Pastor Hodge expounded on the book of Ephesians, chapter 6, verses 1-4. His sermon, entitled "The relationship between Christian parents and their children, or, they really can't get along" is a sermon for both adults and children! On verse 1, we learn that children are to obey your parents. They are to honor your mother and father, and there are great benefits for doing so, in verses 2 and 3. However, in verse 4, we see that parents are not to provoke their children to anger.

Parenting is very hard, and Pastor Hodge lays out his challenge in our service today. Listen to find out what it is!

You can hear his sermon by cutting and pasting this link into your browser:

 And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

August 18, 2019: Encouragement to walk in the will of God

This week, Pastor Hodge expounded on the book of Ephesians, specifically verses 15-21. In his sermon titled "Encouragement to walk in the will of God", we learned that we are to be careful how we walk, how we make the most of our time, and also know the will of God. There are a number of challenges to this, but Pastor Hodge lays them out in his sermon today.

You can hear his sermon, along with the Seldals doing our special music, here:

Please find our church bulletin and his sermon notes, attached. And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, August 11, 2019

August 11, 2019: Sin exposed in the light

This week, Pastor Hodge continued in the book of Ephesians, specifically Ephesians  5:11-14. With his sermon titled "send exposed in the light", we learned that we must not participate in the things of darkness. They are on fruitful. We showing the center, but not the center. But we do expose it and we don't even speak the words of darkness.

What we do instead is participate with the Light and those of the Light. What does that mean, and what is our challenge? Listen to Pastor Hodges sermon, and find out!

We also had Amy Taylor do our children's sermon, and the Seldals did our special music today, along with poignant comments from Roger. And you can listen to all of these service elements here:

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, August 4, 2019

August 4, 2019: We are children of the light

So, this is embarrassing. Today, right at the end of the service, the PA system was turned off by accident, which damaged/ruined the CD that recorded the service today. That's the first, and hopefully the last, time our sound operator will do this. Given that's me, I'll make that a once in a decade faux-pas!

Nevertheless, our service was on Ephesians 5:6-10. Children of the light, also known as believers, must not be deceived by empty words. We need to be aware of the wrath of God, and the sons of those who disobey...and not cohort with them. We must remember we are now in the light. We walk in the light, we walk in grace, we walk in love, and we obey and do the will of the Lord.

And we do all of this without hitting the power off button on the PA system. ;-)

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!