Sunday, September 27, 2020

September 27, 2020: Rock House Kids, and Eternity

 This week, Pastor Hodge was away, but we had the Rock House Kids director come in and talk about their ministry in serving poor and disadvantaged in Rockford, and Jim Mistry gave his sermon on "Eternity". Pardone the pun, but this was a rock-solid service! We hope you are blessed by it. You can watch it via YouTube or on Facebook. However, we accidentally didn't record the first 5 minutes of the service. However, YouTube did, so to watch the service end-to-end, and you can watch it here:

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

September 20, 2020: The excitement of miracles, but knowing the heart of man

This week, Pastor Hodge focused on John 2:23-25. His sermon title, "The excitement of miracles, but knowing the heart of man", shows how many believed in Jesus' name for his they believed in the miracles more than Jesus. How does that apply to us today? Listen and find out!

We are now on YouTube! Watch our services live, or recorded, on our YouTube page at::

We are still uploading our services on Facebook page after the service is over:

But THE way to really know the fellowship of Christ and his people is actually being at our services. We cordially invite you to join us at 10:30 AM for our worship service.

And we pray you will be blessed by our services, and that you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

September 13, 2020: Technical difficulties

 We had technical difficulties with recording our service this week. We apologize for the inconvenience, and will have one for next week!

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sepember 6, 2020: A wedding at Cana

 This is our September 6, 2020 service. this week, Pastor Hodge sermon was on the book of John, chapter 2, verses one through 11. Titled "A Wedding at Cana", we look at what happened at that wedding. These verses are famous for Jesus turning water into wine, but there's so much more than just that here. Jesus talks about that His hour has not come, and Mary understands and directs her servants to obey. Why was this more than just a miracle from Jesus? Listen and find out!

For those of you who watch our live stream, I have a couple of notes for you. First, over the next 1 to 2 months, if all goes well, we are going to be making major changes to it; but they are going to be good changes. Stay tuned! In the meantime, Facebook live now allows me to stream with the phone sideways, so we are getting a true wide screen aspect ratio as of this week. Enjoy!

You can watch it live and immediately afterwards on Facebook, or you can watch it on our archive page, here:

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!