Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 7, 2013: Encouragement

Biblically, we know that as believers of Jesus Christ, we will be mocked, oppressed, persecuted for our faith. In the United States, it is not terrible right now, but it is getting worse. When we see the decline of our society, people rejecting and mocking Jesus...we must remember that it will be all worth it. To that end, this week, Pastor Michael Hodge tells us we must encourage one another, as the apostle Paul tells us to. How we can do that, and some pitfalls we need to watch out for, are all part of today's sermon from Pastor Michael Hodge. You can listen to it on our page here.

Also, we had Marilyn Mathison sing our special music today; we hope it is a blessing to you.

You can listen to all of these things here:

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

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