Sunday, September 10, 2017

September 10, 2017: The good news of the wisdom from above

This week, Pastor Hodge continues his series in the book of James; this week, he expounds on James 3:13-18. This week, he looks at the wisdom of God, versus our wisdom. First, we must be on a quest for true wisdom: that which only comes from God. Those that do are exemplified by Godly behavior and deeds of gentleness. Earthly wisdom, on the other hand, from people, frequently contains nothing but bad advice and "wisdom". Ultimately, it produces disorder and evil.

Spiritual wisdom, wisdom from God, on the other hand, is pure, gentle, full of mercy, even to those we strongly disagree with, and much more. Listen to his sermon today on how we can get this wisdom, and how to apply it in our lives.

We also had the Seldals do our special music, and Diane Lizer talked about blocks. We pray these are a blessing to you as well.

You can hear these service elements here:

And we pray you have a great week in Christ Jesus!

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